原文标题:Australian riversDeath on the DarlingClimate change and mismanagement imperil Australia’s biggest river system澳大利亚河流达令河的死鱼气候变化和管理不善使澳大利亚最大的河流系统面临威胁
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YABBIES, FRESHWATER lobsters native to Australia, thrive in the outback for a reason. They can tolerate high temperatures and drought, and need hardly any oxygen in their water.
Yet even for them the Darling river, which snakes through western New South Wales, is proving uninhabitable. Swarms of yabbies were recently seen scrambling out ofits murkywater.
On March 17th the river was blanketed by millions of dead freshwater fish, herring, perch and cod, near the town of Menindee.
Graeme McCrabb, a local, estimates the “line of dead fish” stretches over 100km. “It has an odourthat’s pretty unique,” he says.当地居民格雷姆·麦克拉布估计,“漂浮的死鱼”长达100公里,“散发出一种非常独特的臭味”。
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The mass fish death is the latest illustration of how climate change is combining with mismanagement to blight Australia’s fragileenvironment.
The Darling forms one arm of the Murray-Darling basin, a vast river system that covers much of Queensland and South Australia.
It could hardly be more important—the system supports 40% of Australia’s agricultural production and breatheslife into the vast, arid outback. But it is in desperate state.这个水系的重要性不言而喻--它支撑着澳大利亚40%的农业生产,并为广阔而干燥的内陆地区注入生命力。但是现在它处于非常糟糕的状态。[Paragraph 3]
Climate change is bringing more extreme heat and drought, which caused the previous “mass mortality” in the Darling river system in 2018 and 2019.
Drought brought the river to a standstill, depleting its oxygen.
But the warming climate is also bringing more extreme precipitationand flooding, which is behind the latest die-off.但温暖的气候也带来了更加极端的降雨和洪水,这是最近鱼类死亡事件的原因。
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Eastern Australia has had three years of heavy rainfall.
This summer the Darling burst its banks, submerging towns and washing tonnes of chemicals and organic matter into the water.
That has caused bacteria to flourish, sapping oxygen from it, says Richard Kingsford, an ecologist at the University of New South Wales.
A heatwave may have exacerbated this “blackwater event”, since warm water holds less oxygen.
The many dams and weirsthat line the Darling then made it hard or impossible for stricken fish to escape to healthier water.
So millions died; and their decomposition in turn drew more oxygen from the river, worsening the cycle.因此数百万条鱼死亡,死鱼分解反过来从河中吸取更多的氧气,加剧了河流的污染。
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Over-exploitation of the Murray-Darling’s waters has made the system especially vulnerable to such shocks.
Four states fight over them.A water-sharing initiative launched in 2012 was supposed to help conservation, yet there is little evidence that it has improved the basin’s health.
For Robert McBride, who owns a vast sheep station near Menindee, the Darling is paying “the supreme sacrifice for total mismanagement of the river system”.
After the recent deluge,water quotas were lifted so high that farmers could in theory drain sometributaries.
(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量457左右)原文出自:2023年3月25日《The Economist》Asia版块
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【补充资料】(来自于网络)达令河Darling river位于澳大利亚东南部,为墨累河最长支流,同时也是墨累-达令河水系中的最长河流,源头由大分水岭新英格兰山脉西麓的几条溪流汇成,靠近新南威尔士-昆士兰边界,离东海岸不远,向西南流经新南威尔士州,于维多利亚州边界上的文特沃斯(Wentworth)汇入墨累河,由最长支流算起,河流全长2844公里,流域面积609283平方公里。达令河上游部分河段为昆士兰和新南威尔士二州界河,重要支流有右岸的巴朗河、沃里戈河等,水量季节变化大。伯克以下河段雨季可通航。沿河有多处水利灌溉设施。水配额Water quota可以指代在特定时间段内一个人或一个社区允许使用的水量。这种限制通常是由政府或其他管理机构设定的,旨在确保可持续使用水资源并减少浪费。例如,政府可能会要求居民在每个月只使用特定数量的自来水,或者在干旱期间限制草坪灌溉的时间和频率。此外,一些国家还通过向企业征收水资源税等方式来鼓励节水,促进可持续水资源管理。【重点句子】(3 个)The mass fish death is the latest illustration of how climate change is combining with mismanagement to blight Australia’s fragile environment.大规模的鱼类死亡事件是气候变化与管理不善的最新体现,这些问题正在破坏澳大利亚脆弱的环境。But the warming climate is also bringing more extreme precipitation and flooding, which is behind the latest die-off.但温暖的气候也带来了更加极端的降雨和洪水,这是最近鱼类死亡事件的原因。Over-exploitation of the Murray-Darling’s waters has made the system especially vulnerable to such shocks.澳大利亚的墨累-达令流域的水资源过度开发,使系统特别容易受到此类冲击的影响。